Choose an infectious disease that is of interest to you (you may consult the list of disease discussed in class).Describe the organism (biologically)?

Human Biology Writing Assignment
Infectious diseases


1. Choose an infectious disease that is of interest to you (you may consult the list of disease discussed in class).
2. Find and read 3 scientific peer-reviewed (watch Dr. Betty Galbraith’s presentation) journal articles related to the disease.

3. Use the information in your articles to write an essay describing the disease under the following bullet points

• Why is that infectious disease of interest to you.
• What kind of organism causes the disease? (e.g. virus, bacteria, roundworm, etc.)
• Describe the organism (biologically)?
• How is it transmitted between people? (e.g. fluid contact, mosquito vector, etc.)
• What are the symptoms?
• What are the treatments?
• One additional bit of information you find interesting