Compare and contrast the two companies within your industry by conducting a SWOT analysis on each company as compared to the overall industry.

compare and contrast the two companies within your industry by conducting a SWOT analysis on each company as compared to the overall industry.

Lastly, based on your group’s research, indicate which of the two companies is best positioned – strategically, financially, and operationally – to succeed in the future.

Good sources of additional information for your companies and industry segment include the companies’ latest annual reports, the companies’ websites, industry and/or trade associations and/or publications, financial analyst reports (e.g., Hoovers), business news articles, etc.

Project Deliverables

* Prepare and submit a PowerPoint presentation (1 presentation per group, 20 minutes maximum time per presentation), using the data generated from your group’s research, introducing me to the two companies and the industry segment, comparing and contrasting the two companies, and explaining how the selected companies and the industry are performing.

Evaluation Criteria

The group project PowerPoint presentation will be evaluated by: (1) each member of your group via an evaluation form that I will distribute (note: you will evaluate each group member’s degree of participation in, and quality of work on, the final project) and (2) my evaluation of the quality of the final PowerPoint presentation.