Discuss if you pick nightclubs think of the Station Fire, Coconut Grove Fire and others, and compare the two, what are their similarities, what are their differences, what was the outcome in each and did any laws or codes and standards change because of these fires.

For the term paper I am asking only that you pick a topic from the four listed – Nightclub fires, Conflagrations, High-rise Fires, or Urban Wildland Interface fires. Once you decide on a topic, you should find two fires – if you pick nightclubs think of the Station Fire, Coconut Grove Fire and others, and compare the two, what are their similarities, what are their differences, what was the outcome in each and did any laws or codes and standards change because of these fires. Similarly if you pick Conflagrations, you can look at chemical plant fires resulting explosions and compare to say a fireworks factory fire or maybe an automobile manufacturing plant fire and do the same. If you pick Wildland Urban Interface fires you can look at the different fires occurring most recently in California, in the West of the US, etc..