Discuss the different information management roles and how their responsibilities can be defined using the RACI matrix.

Week 04: Explain how the Common Data Environment (CDE) helps overcome poor information management and identify and discuss at least one commercially available collaborative platform which can used with CDE processes

Week 05: Discuss the different information management roles and how their responsibilities can be defined using the RACI matrix.

Week 06: Identify and discuss the different elements of the Information Delivery Cycle and how they relate to the BIM Level 2 core documents BS 1192:2007 and PAS 1192-2:2013

Week 07: Identify and discuss several key tasks which need to be undertaken to produce the Employer’s Information Requirements.

Week 08: Define the pre-contract BIM Execution Plan and its contents, and discuss its contractual relationship with the procurement process.

Week 09: Define the post-contract Award BIM Execution Plan and its contents, and discuss its contractual relationship with the procurement process.

Week 10: Define the Responsibility Matrix, identify its key components and discuss its relationship with the supply chain capability assessment, as well as the Master Information Delivery Plan.

Marking Criteria for journals
Demonstration of understanding of topic 33%
Comprehensiveness of journal 33%
Clarity, concision of writing 33%

Assignment 1 – Journals Week 1-3 attached for reference, the score was 60-70%, see docs for comments on how to improve.

**PDFs for Weeks 8-9-10 too large, need to upload separately**

**Reference required to UK Regs & British Standards as per slide