Does technology advance or threaten our democracy? What are 3 reasons why you take that stance?Explain

Question 1
The selected topic is Technology, while the associated research question is: Does technology advance or threaten our democracy? What are 3 reasons why you take that stance?
Question 2
Sanders, L. (2018). Does Technology Threaten our Democracy?
Question 3
I believe that technology advances the democracy of any nation. For instance, through technology, advanced countries have opted to use it as a tool for voting. The online platform has been used to cater to citizens who cannot access the voting stations. Besides, technological advancements increase the communication channels that any government has (Zuazu, 2019). It is now easy to reach a huge population within the shortest time possible using social sites. This will affect my approach in writing the essay by ensuring that I focus on the positive effects of technology. For instance, Hofmann (2019) believes that technological advancements and democracy are intertwined aspects that should be considered and debated. Moreover, the concept of democracy and technology is one of the aspects that is changing the dynamics of politics across the world.
Question 4
Thesis statement: While arguments have been placed on the negative impact of technology on democracy, technology has offered an appropriate tool where democratic activities among nations are easily done hence strengthen democracy.