Examine various programs and criminal justice efforts currently in place to deal with this issue and some of the measures the Catholic Church has instituted in the wake of these sexual assault/rapes of minors.

This assignment will be worth a total of 100pts of your final grade for this course. For this assignment, each student will assume the role of researcher on the topic of our local and national news story involving the sexual abuse and assaults of minor victims by clergy and laypersons of the Catholic Church. Students will research, analyze and prepare a persuasive paper addressing the need for interventions, victim services, counseling and on-going best practices to prevent future abuse by and against these populations. Students will consider victims funds created to repair harm to victims and special exceptions to statutes of limitations for these specific cases.

Students will be required submit a 4-5 page paper (citation page in addition to previous page requirements), based on their research, analysis, and current trends to support the adoption of their proposed policy. Paper and/or electronic documents will be accepted but must be received by the deadline for full credit consideration. Delays in meeting communicated deadlines will result in automatic deductions from assignment grade as indicated below. This and all writing assignments must be typed, double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12-point font and spell-checked; you will be expected to provide accurate documentation and proper citation of all quoted, paraphrased or inspired material. When in doubt, document!

Students should review our Canvas course page for links, article, discussions, as well as conducting their own independent research for relevant news articles and current mechanisms in place to uncover these abuses and deal with the aftermath upon their victims. Consider the costs related to these lawsuits and examine the victims (primary, secondary and more abstract) as a result of these cases and this scandal.

Students will examine various programs and criminal justice efforts currently in place to deal with this issue and some of the measures the Catholic Church has instituted in the wake of these sexual assault/rapes of minors. Due to the persuasive nature of the paper, students will want to consider including counter arguments to their own position. Students will avoid “I believe…” “I think….” And “I feel…” style of writing. Students should phrase their positions objectively instead. Ex) These special victims’ compensation funds are essential to the healing and making whole of the victims in these cases… rather than, “I feel that these special victims’ compensation funds are essential to the healing and making whole of the victims in these cases…

Students may consider if punishment, restitution or rehabilitation is an appropriate mechanism for the offenders in these types of cases. Students will tie in various course topics in their analysis: bystanderology, victim precipitation, lambs v. wolves discussion, rediscovery, social movements, victim precipitation/provocation/blaming; UCR data and overreporting/under reporting; minimalists vs. maximalists views of this issue, re-victimizing and second wounds, children as victims (Chapter 8), psychological explanations for repressed memories of trauma, statutes of limiatation extensions on claims of sexual abuse by clergy.

Students will be required submit a 4-5 page paper (citation page in addition to previous page requirements), based on their research, analysis, and current trends to support the adoption of their proposed policy. The paper will include the proposed policy itself and should evidence that consideration was given to a variety of methods used by various correctional facilities and their reported statistical results. Paper and/or electronic documents will be accepted but must be received by the deadline for full credit consideration. Delays in meeting communicated deadlines will result in automatic deductions from assignment grade as indicated below. This and all writing assignments must be typed, double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12-point font and spell-checked; you will be expected to provide accurate documentation and proper citation of all quoted, paraphrased or inspired material. When in doubt, document!