List and briefly describe at least 5 literacy-related events, actions, language for you observe in A, B, & C?Describe 5 for each of the 7 videatives.

List and briefly describe at least 5 literacy-related events, actions, language for you observe in A, B, & C? No one “noticing’ is too small.
Note: Describe 5 for each of the 7 videatives.
5.0 pts. PART II Analysis of content—What aspect of literacy development does what you see exemplify? Be sure to refer to readings and class discussion/notes when appropriate.
Videatives: Focus on what the children do. Separate paragraph for each videative
What aspects of literacy development do you observe in each selection (1-7)?
Read Aloud: Focus on what the teacher does. 2 page narrative
How do the presenter’s recommendations of read aloud strategies assist children’s vocabulary and comprehension or not? Give at least three examples.
Annenberg Learners/Kindergarten Classroom Profile: Focus on the classroom. 2 page narrative
What do you see that exemplify key components of an effective language and literacy environment?
1.0 pts. PART III Furthering your understanding
The Child and the Emergent Language and Literacy Curriculum: 1-page narrative for A, B, or C
Describe one example of a literacy event, teaching strategy, or the classroom environment from A, B, or C that you found especially interesting, instructive, problematic, useful, and so on.
1.0 pt. Style (Standard English syntax, punctuation, spelling)
1.0 pt. Bonus
Create two questions, comments, or remarks regarding any aspect of the text that would further children’s comprehension in B/Read Aloud, Wash and Dry.