What do you wish you had learned going into the presentations that would have helped you to better understand them?

Part 1: Background Info for Each Presentation:
• Presenter’s Name & Institutional Affiliation
• Title of Presentation
• Short description of the topic (in your own words)
• A description of their research/topic, including points such as
o The research question
o Theory used
o Sample description
o Variables & measurement
o Findings
o Policy implications

Part 2: Reflection for Each Presentation (respond to at least three bullets below for each
• What are the strengths and weaknesses of their research design?
• How did they apply theory to their topic of study?
• What did you learn from the presentation?
• How did the presentation link to our class topics?
• Were you able to understand the presentation and findings? What was easy/difficult to
• Were the policy implications appropriate? Surprising? Are there other policy implications
they missed?
• Any other general thoughts about the presentation (focused here on the presentation of
the material itself, not the presenter)
Some of the presentations will likely go quickly and it may be hard to take down every bullet
point above – this is ok. Do your best to capture this information and focus your response on
three of the bullet points above.
Part 3: Overall Reflection on the experience (respond to at least three bullets below for
each presentation):
• What resonates with you as the most salient points of the presentations?
• Were the presentations what you expected?
o What was different?
• How do the presentations relate to class topics?
o Were you able to understand their use of theory?
o What perspectives would you have liked to see included in their research?
o How did the knowledge from the semester help you summarize and critique the
work in your notes?
o What do you wish you had learned going into the presentations that would have
helped you to better understand them?
You can expand your reflection beyond this and include anything else you want to say!