Critically and trace the evolution of an idea through multiple scholarly articles and other sources. Where do authors agree and disagree with one another’s ideas? What conclusions can you draw from these relationships of ideas?

As a part of your Doctoral Study, you must read the literature critically and trace the evolution of an idea through multiple scholarly articles and other sources. Where do authors agree and disagree with one another’s ideas? What conclusions can you draw from these relationships of ideas?
For this Assignment your Instructor will provide you with several scholarly articles with an inherent relationship. Your goal is to synthesize the information among the articles into a cohesive paper, and not simply to offer a summary of each article.
By Day 7
Write and submit a 3- to 5-page paper in APA format in which you synthesize the information among the articles. Your synthesis should include the following information in addition to a reference list:
Who is the intended audience of each article?
What is the purpose or perspective of each of the articles?
What are the common themes in the articles?
What is the evolution of the topic through the articles over time?
How does each article contribute to the larger discussion?