Discuss did CreateHK really develop the creative industries of Hong Kong? What did they do to develop the creative industries?


Creative Industry is becoming more important to the economy. And even the creative economies of Hong Kong are significantly becoming one of the high value-added economy sectors of Hong Kong.

CreateHK, as the only government department that facilitating the development of Creative Industry of Hong Kong, should be having a more important role in developing the Creative Industries. However, in review of its funding scheme and funded projects in the past decade, did CreateHK really develop the creative industries of Hong Kong? What did they do to develop the creative industries?

Apart from the film industries, funding of Create HK majorly goes to support the design industries of Hong Kong. Does Design Industry of Hong Kong special? Or any other specific reason to focus on design industry? With reviewing the phenomenon of current design industry of Hong Kong, does design industry represent, in somehow, an epitome of Hong Kong’s creative industry?

On the other hand, by reviewing the funding scheme of CreateHK, especially taking cases from supporting to the design industry of Hong Kong, is there any missing link between the funding scheme and the actual creative economy development? By comparing the funding policy of CreateHK and similar funding scheme in UK and Australia, can we find out the missing link?

At the same time, in this dissertation, by measuring the effectiveness of existing funding scheme and reviewing the existing evaluation tools from CreateHK, I want to explore on whether Create HK able to continue its mission to develop the creative industries in Hong Kong?