Examine a personality theory in-depth.Apply concepts that you have learned in the course materials.Acquire knowledge about a specific topic or issue related to personality theories that is of interest to you.Analyze and synthesize information about your chosen topic.

o Examine a personality theory in-depth.

o Apply concepts that you have learned in the course materials.

o Acquire knowledge about a specific topic or issue related to personality theories that is of interest to you.

o Analyze and synthesize information about your chosen topic.

o Practise writing an essay using APA style.


Your second assignment is to choose a *different* theory from the one you chose from Essay 1 and write about how it relates to the personality of the superhero that you wrote about in Essay 1.

Your treatment of your topic must reflect the purpose of the course; that is, your essay must address the psychological theories of the major personality theorists and apply the ideas presented in the research literature to the superhero’s personality.

For this paper, you must use three to four academic (scholarly) sources. These may include original research articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and secondary sources—that is, books or articles written by someone with appropriate academic credentials that criticize a piece of original research or that compare several pieces of research on a single issue. Remember the supplementary materials lists that you can find on our course homepage, although you are not limited to using the resources in them. All of your sources should have been published within the past five to ten years. The only online sources that you may use are electronically published scholarly journals, articles and books. Wikipedia, the Internet, newspapers, and popular magazines are not acceptable sources at all. Use of the textbook should be minimal. At least one of your sources should be a research report of an empirical study. You can read a brief description of empirical studies in Empirical Research in the Social Sciences and Education, from the Penn State University Library.

You will, of course, acknowledge all of your sources in a scholarly way throughout your paper. Please review the Essays page in the Course Information manual, particularly the sections on “Format,” “Citing and Referencing,” and “The References List.”



The introduction to your paper should address these questions in a scholarly way:

1. What do you intend to do?

2. What issue(s) will you discuss, and from what point of view?

3. What approach to your topic will you take?

4. What will be the limitations of your research and your discussion?

This section should define what you will and will not cover.

The most important part of your introduction is the thesis statement. St. Cloud State University’s Literacy Education Online has a clear and simple outline of what a Thesis Statement is and is not, and The University of Toronto’s Writing Advice provides information about Using Thesis Statements. Both resources are succinct and provide clear examples.


In the body of your paper, you should follow through on what you said you would do in the introduction. Make sure that your interpretation of the superhero’s character is clear, and make sure that the theories, concepts, and research findings that you use to support it are directly relevant to the personality theory that you have chosen. You are encouraged to use quotations from the movie relevant to your character, but please use paraphrasing for the rest of the paper. ideas, and you use new paragraphs for new sub-topics. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and typing errors will be taken into account in the assessment, as will your careful use of APA style in your paper in general, and in your in-text citations and your references list in particular.