Explain why or why not the assessments used in this report were valid and/or reliable. What are some possible reasons for the difference between the hypothesis and your results?

Introduction (15 pts) – Explain how improving your fitness can change the quality and quantity of your life. How can getting fit decrease your chances of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, stress, or addiction. How can getting fit enhance your happiness, career opportunities, or family enjoyment. (don’t give your opinion, give facts that you have learned in class or found in research) Then, give the purpose for doing this Lab Report using the pre and post tests performed in class. EX. The purpose of this report is to determine a correlation between wellness assessment scores and personal behaviors and lifestyle choices.

Hypothesis (5 pts)–Remember, your hypothesis is a sentence where you speculate what you might find. Use the words if and then in your sentence. Be specific in what you are measuring. EX: If the recorded amount of physical activity is low, then there will be a direct correlation with physical fitness scores.

Method (5pts)– Provide a step by step process of how the data was collected. This should explain in detail which assessments were used to determine your health scores(i.e., Table 10-3 for stress, Rockport Walk test for CV health)

Results (5pts)– Use a chart or bar graph to show your results from the pre and post tests. Include all the fitness tests that were performed. Color code the numbers, or graph the number so it might make better sense to the reader. Do not give your opinion of the results, just numbers and an explanation of the results.

Conclusion (7pts)– This section must clearly articulate the findings of the tests. Do not state your opinion here, just describe what the numbers show. Do you accept or reject your hypothesis?
Explain what made your methods reliable and results valid. If they were not reliable and valid, explain why not.
Explain why or why not the assessments used in this report were valid and/or reliable.
What are some possible reasons for the difference between the hypothesis and your results?

Comments/Reflection (10pts)– This section is where you express your thoughts and opinions. Include which sections of information have had the most impact on you and why. Did you make any changes this semester that may have improved your results? Have you been motivated to make any changes to your lifestyle as a result of this class and the information you received? If your results didn’t improve, or got worse, what reason can you give for this happening? If I sent this lab report to your parents, how would you explain the result to them? Think of this as a final summary/reflection for this course.