Explore the possible unintended effects of intervening in the problem and how this may impact the individual/family.


In this assignment, you will conduct a case analysis on “The Martin Family Case Study”.


For this assignment, you will revisit the Martin family and conduct case analysis.

Review “The Martin Family Case Study”, located in this Unit’s “Readings and

Resources” and select one of the identified problems as your primary focus and

complete your Case Analysis by addressing the following aspects:

• Introduction:

o Briefly identify major elements (i.e., people, setting) of the identified


• Identify Problem Situation:

o Give a specific and concisely written description of the problem to guide

the analysis and problem-solving.

o Be sure to identify each family member’s role in the identified problem.

• Case Analysis:

o Identify the various micro, meso, and macro contextual factors (describe

the contexts that apply to the case: individual, family.

school/employment/environment, peer, community) that created and/or

sustain the problem.

o Also describe how these contexts are influenced by additional factors (i.e.

cultural, economic, legal, societal/gender roles/expectations).

o Provide a description of how your contextual analysis is linked to the

identified problem.

o Be sure to use scholarly sources to support your connection of the case

analysis to the problem situation.

• Theoretical Selection:

o Choose a theoretical orientation from your textbook that will guide your

analysis of the case.

o Tell why you have chosen this orientation and how it best fits the case.

o Be sure to use and define theory terms.

HSV364- Human Behavior in the

Social Environment

Unit 6 Assignment: The Martin Family Case Study

• Alternative Strategies:

o Using scholarly sources on the problem or area of human behavior in the

social environment, identify two or more possible solutions to the problem

and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each possible solution.

o Additionally, explore the possible unintended effects of intervening in the

problem and how this may impact the individual/family.

• Conclusion:

o Be sure to draw your paper to a close and highlight the significant

elements of your analysis relating to the identified problem and draw out

the main points to apply in general terms.