How was Northern European culture (thoughts, ideas, etc.) different than Italian culture during the time of the Renaissance? List at least three differences.

Step 1: Watch this lecture introducing this week’s material (8 mins.):
Step 2: Watch this video about the Renaissance in the North (14 mins.):
Step 3: Read the first few pages of Chapter 16 of the textbook (pp. 543-559) and “Story 55” by Marguerite de Navarre (pp. 566-567)
Step 4: Respond to these questions:
Question 1: How was Northern European culture (thoughts, ideas, etc.) different than Italian culture during the time of the Renaissance? List at least three differences.

Question 2: How did Northern European art (painting, literature, etc.) reflect those differences you noted in Question 1? Include examples to support your points.

Section 2: Germans and Witches
Step 1: Watch the first 7 minutes of this Crash Course video on witchcraft in Europe:
Step 2: Read the next few pages of Chapter 16 of the textbook (pp. 559-565).
Step 3: Respond to the following questions:
Question 1: Why do you think so many people feared witches in Germany? What was the Church’s role in this?

Section 3: The Reformation
Step 1: Watch this video introducing the Reformation (15 mins.):
Step 2: Skim through the “95 Theses” file in the Week 13 folder in Course Content.
Step 3: Read the first few pages of Chapter 17 of the textbook (pp. 569-579).
Step 4: Read this NYT editorial about Puritanism in America:
Step 4: Respond to the following questions:
Question 1: What do you think was the biggest impact of the Reformation on European culture?

Question 2: How did Erasmus use satire to drive home his point?

Question 3: Why do you think Luther’s reforms were unkind to peasants and Jews?

Question 4: What are some ways John Calvin’s ideas can be seen in American culture today?

Section 4: The Printing Press and New Art
Step 1: Watch this video introducing Gutenberg and movable type (2 mins.):
Step 2: Read the next few pages of Chapter 17 of the textbook (pp. 579-591).
Step 3: Respond to the following questions:
Question 1: How are the inventions of movable type and the internet similar?

Question 2: How did Albrecht Dürer’s art change throughout his career?

Section 5: Submit Assignment
Step 1: Once you have answered the questions in sections 1-4, submit this assignment by Sunday.