Summarize the inequality and abuse single mothers face on both a micro and macro level.


Step 1: Open up the paper with a summary of the inequality and abuse single mothers face on both a micro and macro level. By doing this, you will clearly be introducing the social inequality and the specific real examples that illustrates that inequality at the beginning of the paper.

Step 2: You will use the three empirical sources to structure and build your argument. Use of sources will be assessed by how relevant the sources are to your chosen topic and how effectively you are able to use the empirical findings in those sources to support your example. Each time you explain a source, you want to explain the research methods and results of the authors. You also want to explain how that source connects to the micro-example you used at the beginning of the paper (i.e., you want to make it clear that the results of that research article are showing that your micro-example is not an isolated incident but actually is representative of a broader pattern in society).

Step 3: You will use the law review article to help develop your own legal reform. You may summarize to a certain degree, but you ultimately should be using that scholar’s work to help you make your own normative argument. The key question you are answering is: What legal reforms would you propose to alter this advantage, if any? The novelty of your proposed legal reforms will be assessed by how thoroughly your reforms address and challenge the systematic advantages of the ‘haves’. Your proposal should show how you intend to minimize the differences between ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’ and should be innovative, comprehensive, and detailed. Your reforms also should illustrate creativity, originality, and awareness of how you would handle obstacles to your reform. You must rely on at least 1 scholarly opinion in a Law Review Article, but do not merely reiterate the normative views of the scholar. Instead, use and cite the author’s work to further your own reform agenda.