What are some ways that Japanese culture responded to contact with outsiders during the Muromachi and Azuchi-Momoyama periods?Explain

Step 1: Watch this lecture introducing this week’s material (4 mins.):
Step 2: Watch this video about the Spanish and the Aztecs (2 mins.):
Step 3: Read the first few pages of Chapter 18 of the textbook (pp. 597-604).
Step 4: Respond to this question:
Question 1: What are some ways that Aztec and/or Incan culture responded to contact with outsiders?

Section 2: The Portuguese in West Africa
Step 1: Read the next few pages of Chapter 16 of the textbook (pp. 605-613).
Step 2: Respond to the following question:
Question 1: What are some ways that West African cultures responded to contact with outsiders?

Section 3: India and Europe
Step 1: Read the next few pages of Chapter 18 of the textbook (pp. 614-617).
Step 2: Respond to the following question:
Question 1: What are some ways that Indian culture responded to contact with outsiders?

Section 4: China’s Ming Dynasty
Step 1: Watch this video introducing the Ming dynasty (2 mins.):
Step 2: Read the next few pages of Chapter 18 of the textbook (pp. 617-621).
Step 3: Respond to the following questions:
Question 1: What are some ways that China responded to contact with outsiders during the Ming dynasty?

Section 5: Japan
Step 1: Read the next few pages of Chapter 18 of the textbook (pp. 622-629).
Step 2: Respond to the following question:
Question 1: What are some ways that Japanese culture responded to contact with outsiders during the Muromachi and Azuchi-Momoyama periods?

Section 6: Submit Assignment
Step 1: Once you have answered the questions in sections 1-5, submit this assignment by Sunday.