ntro/outline-Outline the presentation-Why is motivation important?-Why do some employees become demotivated?-What are the benefits of improved motivation?
2Advantages of financialmotivation:-What are two main advantagesof financial motivation?Why does financial motivation work?Example(s)Why do employers/employeesfavourthis method?
3Disadvantages of financialmotivation:-
What arethe two main disadvantagesof financialmotivation?-Whydoes financial motivation sometimes fail?-Example(s)-Why do employers/employees rejectthis method?
4Second method of motivation:-
What is the method ofmotivation?-What is the theory behind it?-Example(s)?-Why is it better than financial motivation?
5Third method of motivation:-
What is the methodof motivation?-What is the theory behind it?-Example(s)?-Why is it better than financial motivation?
6Conclusion/Summary-Summary of main points-
Are some forms of motivation better than others?-
Which methods have the worst impact on motivation?
-Predicting trends, e.g. What will be the most popular methodsof motivation going forward?