What procedures would you perform to assign the participants randomly to the treatment groups? Why is this important?Discuss

Researchers don’t just pull a number out of thin air to decide to test a random number of people. There is thought put in the decision and action. How would you figure out the correct number of participants? Not looking for a numerical answer of participants, but rather the procedures that you would go through in order to come up with the correct number.
Where would you look or how would you get this information for yourself.
How do you come up with the correct number?
Why is this important?
What parts of the study/results are effected by the number of participants?
What happens if you have too few?

What other factors need to be considered when recruiting participants for a study?
What would be the characteristics of your participants?
Why is it important to have inclusion/exclusion criteria in the study?
What would happen if there were no inclusion/exclusion criteria?

What procedures would you perform to assign the participants randomly to the treatment groups?
Why is this important?
Explain how you would test the reliability of the testing methods/instruments being used to measure the dependent variable(s).
Why is this important?
How does it affect the study and the results if the instruments aren’t valid and reliable?