Choose one of the scenarios listed below and create a brochure—as requested in the chosen scenario—that informs and educates. In addition to attaching the brochure to your posting, briefly describe the key elements you elected to include and why and which elements you elected not to include and why.


Written Assignment 3

Choose one of the scenarios listed below and create a brochure—as requested in the chosen scenario—that informs and educates. In addition to attaching the brochure to your posting, briefly describe the key elements you elected to include and why and which elements you elected not to include and why. [MO 8.1, MO 8.2, MO 8.3]

About the Brochure

A brochure is not an in-depth study of a topic but should give enough information to grab and keep the readers’ interest from start to finish. It may cover a broad topic but should not contain so much information that it overwhelms the reader. Cite a source for any images, charts, maps, etc.

Include key points about the assigned topic.

Include your sources on the brochure and add at least one peer reviewed research article.

In addition to what your brochure says, you must decide the best format to present your information. Different formats work best for brochures with lots of text, many pictures, small blocks of text, lists, charts, or maps. You’ll need to find the format that works best for your information.

As an informative, educational, or persuasive device, the brochure must present information in a clear, organized manner. It should give enough information that the reader will not be left wondering “what’s this really about,” but should be a “quick read” so that the reader does not become bored before reaching the end. Because the brochure does not tell the whole story, it should contain the most important parts of the story. Give the readers the most significant, most interesting facts—the information that will make them want to find out more.


Scenario 1: A 54-year-old male has recently been diagnosed as being HIV positive. He comes to you with many questions and concerns surrounding his HIV status and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Develop a brochure that you think would be appropriate to educate an individual in this situation.

Scenario 2: A 25-year-old pregnant female is found to be HIV positive with a high viral load upon testing. Develop a brochure that explains the transmission of HIV to the unborn fetus. In addition, present information specifically surrounding HIV infection surrounding infants and children.

Scenario 3: A six year old male is diagnosed with glomerulonephritis, which developed after a streptococcal infection of his throat. He has developed generalized edema. Labs indicate that he is acidotic and has an elevated potassium level. Develop a brochure for the parents on his condition with pediatric considerations.

Scenario 4: A 27-year-old female comes into your office very concerned regarding a vaginal discharge she has developed. Develop a brochure for this woman regarding STIs that might cause this physical finding.

Scenario 5: Develop a brochure for a college health center that provides information surrounding key factors surrounding vaginal urogenital systemic infections. Conduct a web search and find appropriate sites to recommend for this population as well. Please provide the links you find.

Scenario 6: A 77-year-old male with a history of diabetes and coronary heart disease underwent cardiac catheterization with radio contrast dye 2 days ago. He is admitted to the ED with fever, chills, elevated creatinine, and protein in his urine. Develop a brochure for his family on acute kidney injury from these findings and add geriatric considerations.