Compare and contrast the two profiles using the different cultural frameworks to explain both cultural differences as well as similarities

Create two intercultural biographies (taken from your interviews). Compare and contrast the information taken from the biographies and analyse the results using appropriate intercultural frameworks.

a) Using the ‘Cultural Autobiography’ questionnaire create your own cultural autobiography identifying the major influences on your own life

b) Using the ‘Cultural Autobiography’ questionnaire create a cultural autobiography of someone you deem to have a different cultural background to yourself and create their cultural autobiography

c) Compare and contrast the two profiles using the different cultural frameworks to explain both cultural differences as well as similarities

• Demonstrate your awareness of self by completing a cultural autobiography questionnaire

• Demonstrate your awareness of different cultures interviewing a colleague with a different background using the cultural autobiography questionnaire

• Compare and contrast the two biographies and identify both similarities and differences

• Use your cultural frameworks to evaluate those similarities and differences