Discuss health promotion approach chosen and the design of the intervention with reference to theory and other similar interventions previously reported in literature.


Presentation must be a development of an evidence based health promotion lifestyle intervention. It needs to show justification of the public health significance of my topic choice of intervention and critically discuss the design and delivery of it.

1.Critical discussion of the rationale and significance of my topic of intervention within the current public health area(including how it relates to current policy/practice)-Think about Situation/Need/Context-Why is it a Public Health issue?Key Determinants-behavioural/lifestyle ones and consequences- individual and societal-who is affected by it – trends/stats/inequalities does it cost a lot? harm? treatment/mortality;morbidity rate? What else is going on?

2.Critical discussion of health promotion approach chosen and the design of the intervention with reference to theory and other similar interventions previously reported in literature.

-Looking at literature interventions related to smoking. What types of interventions are effective – design to reduce smoking. What approach (medial/education/behavior change/ empowerment/ social change) have you chosen to try to improve this public health issue. Need to use. a planning/modelling framework (e.g. MRC or 6SQuID) to help design the intervention. How the intervention would bring change- which theory of change underpins it- has this been used successfully in similar interventions ?

3. Critical discussion of the proposed delivery of the intervention ,including its proposed evaluation. – How will the intervention be delivered ( the ”activities” in the logic model) How it will be evaluated whether or not it is successful intervention.