Explain why there was a certain movement in the share priceoInterpret your findings,•Calculate the market capitalizationfor the endof 2019 end of March 2020 and now(use the links on moodle “shares outstanding and yahoo finance)oInterpret your results

Decide for one listed company•Find the latest annual report (2019)on the company website and find additional informationfrom other sources (yahoo, Bloombergetc)oFirstpage;describe the company▪Strategyand History▪USP(what products and/or services do they offer)▪Industry and competition(biggest rivals)▪…+ whatever you feel is necessary in order to have a complete picture of your companyo Second page; Is your company affected by Corona?•Why? How? And what do they do against it?•Was therea dropin the share price?oCompare their recent share price with the share price at the end of 2019 and at the end of March 2020oWas therea significant movement and can you explain why there was a certain movement in the share priceoInterpret your findings•Calculate the market capitalization for the endof 2019 end of March 2020 and now(use the links on moodle “shares outstanding and yahoo finance)oInterpret your results•Do you find any additional information on how thecompany will “survive”or benefit from the ongoing economic crisis?oWhat do you suggestto theCEOheshould do?oThird page Company Valuation▪Use last Annual Report to obtainyour figures•EBITDA•EBIT•Total cash + cash equivalents•Total amount of debt (total liabilities)•Get multiples form the “vebitdaEurope”Excel file on MoodleoSelect the appropriateindustry!•Calculate the Enterprise Value using the Multiple=Enterprise Value-net debt=Equity Value•Calculate theEnterprise Value using theEV/EBIToand interpret your resultsoConclusion of your company analysis▪What do you thinkabout the performance in 2020 compared to 2019?▪Where do you see the company in the future?▪What do you recommend the company to do in order to improve their busines after Corona?▪Is there anything else you want to add?