How should governments go about limiting consumable items people like to use? Should it even be the government’s role to do so?

1. Do you think there are generational differences between how older versus younger people interact with the outdoors? Why or why not?

2. The commercial indicates that the older parents and grandparents are saddened because the children wanted to stay indoors. Do you see the children’s responses as problematic (something to be sad about) or just different, not necessarily bad?

3. What might be some possible pros of technology with regards to the environment?

Step 02: Check out the 4 categories on NASA’s Climate Machine:

1. How does NASA measure the amount of sea ice?

2. What city or cities would be underwater if the ocean rose 2 meters?

3. On the Carbon Dioxide page, what do you think the chart would look like if it continued to 2020?

4. On the Global Temperature page, what year does significant amounts or red coloring appear?

Step 03: Visit  and calculate your estimated carbon footprint.
Your footprint number:

Section 3: Leopold

Step 01: Read pages 445-457

Step 02: Answer the following questions. Make sure to be specific in your answer and use evidence from the reading to support your claims.

1. Explain Leopold’s argument that there is a moral relation between human beings and the land.

2. What, according to Leopold, is wrong with the instrumental approach to nature?

3. What duties does Leopold’s land ethic give human beings?

Section 4: Moellendorf

Step 01: Read pages 457-467

Step 02: Answer the following questions. Make sure to be specific in your answer and use evidence from the reading to support your claims.

1. Explain the difference between mitigation, adaptation, and geo-engineering.

2. Why does Moellendorf think the Ability-to-Pay is a preferable principle to the Polluter-Pays and the Beneficiary-Pays principles for distributing the costs of mitigation?

3. What risks and benefits should be taken into account when considering policies of geo-engineering to reduce climate change?

4. Can Leopold’s land ethic be applied to questions of climate change?

Section 5: Human Responses to Climate Change

Step 01: Learn about zero-waste living:_title (I’m not going to lie, it was hard finding a video of people who felt realistic.)

1. What aspects of this family did you like?

2. What would be difficult to do?

3. What would be the consequences, both good and bad, if everyone lived like this?

Step 02: Watch this video about recycling:

1. Why does the speaker want people to stop recycling?

2. What does she want people to do instead?

Step 03: People are told two different messages

Consume! It is good for the economy
Don’t be wasteful!

1. Search the internet and find an example of each statement. Use the snipping tool (or equivalent) to post the two examples you found below:

2. Which message is louder in society? Why?

Step 04: Let’s talk about poop. Watch the following two videos about flushable wipes

1. How should governments go about limiting consumable items people like to use? Should it even be the government’s role to do so?