What would you recommend to the president? Given what you have learned in researching and writing this paper, what advice would you give the president? Identify one action you think the president should prioritize during the first six months of 2021.

Identify a public policy issue or an action-forcing incident (such as the growing population residing in New York City shelters, for example) that represents an inadequacy in current government policy.

What is the problem? Identify the underlying problem, providing the context for the current situation (for example, healthcare reform, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic).

What does it look like? Has the problem resulted in a disparate impact on any particular group? Provide measures of the problem that demonstrate its size, scope, and impact on affected parties. Include data or statistics, preferably in the form of a table or other graphic figure. Use the most recent data available, gleaned from a reliable source. (For example, how many people are unemployed due to the economic downturn? Use a table from the Bureau of Labor Statistics website, or create one of your own to depict the size and scope of the problem.)

Is there an existing policy? Problems generally occur due to policy failure—an inadequate law or policy that fails to address a pressing issue. Problems also arise in the absence of an effective policy. Identify the existing policy/law associated with the issue–give its exact title, as specified in the enacting legislation (for example, the Affordable Care Act).

What would you recommend to the president? Given what you have learned in researching and writing this paper, what advice would you give the president? Identify one action you think the president should prioritize during the first six months of 2021.