Calculate how much you would have to deposit each year until retirement to fund all of your initiatives assuming the rate of return on these equities is constant.

Develop stock investment portfolio: Select five key stocks and determine their expected return from Presume you would invest 20% equally in these stocks and average the return. Calculate how much you would have to deposit each year until retirement to fund all of your initiatives assuming the rate of return on these equities is constant.

Review the amount you currently are able to set aside for this purpose. If you still identify a gap, identify how you will mitigate that risk of realizing the appropriate amount of wealth to support your personal initiatives and expectations. Propose a plan and describe your personal alternatives for bridging this gap.

Submit the completed spreadsheets to your instructor. In the Your Personal Financial Goals Worksheet, summarize and describe your intentions. Mention each spreadsheet, specifically, and indicate how the purchase of these new assets and investments will affect your prior plan submitted during Modules Three and Five. Describe your opportunities and challenges. Will you have to make changes? Indicate how you might revise your plans.