Discuss Did you experience any barriers to your education? If you did not personally experience a memorable encounter with any barriers, can you remember any classmates who did? What was the experience like?


Barriers to learning arise within the educational system and tend to obstruct successful learning. Some examples include:

educational practices that fail to make accommodations for students with cognitive or physical disabilities

negative stereotypes toward students

curriculum expectations which do not provide the same opportunities for students of different socio-economic backgrounds

Barriers are often embedded within the policies of a school or within the long-held practices of the teacher’s methods.

In your reflection, think about your personal educational history. Did you experience any barriers to your education? If you did not personally experience a memorable encounter with any barriers, can you remember any classmates who did? What was the experience like?

In what way was your educational experience influenced by this barrier. Include details about whether or not accommodations were made or if there were efforts to redress the barrier. How might this experience better inform your empathy for different student experiences?