Explain are rights naturally given to us? How, and through what mechanisms? Are human rights government enacted? If so, in what way are they to be distinguished from civil rights?

Length: 1800 words (+/- 10% = below 1620 words is an automatic fail)

Format: MLA (including footnotes); 11 or 12 pt Times Roman or Arial

Presentation: Cover page and abstract (not included in the word count).Topic: The Value of Human RightsYour essay will consider the debate about the usefulness and/or justification of the concept of human rights. Many students may not be aware that such a debate exists, but this will be revealed through study and research. For example, are rights naturally given to us? How, and through what mechanisms? Are human rights government enacted? If so, in what way are they to be distinguished from civil rights?Your essay should make an argument: “In this essay,