Explore how Collins presents issues of culture and cultural conflict in this novel, particularly society’s pressure on the individual to conform. How, for example, is gender depicted here, and how does Katniss Everdeen reflect conflicts/negotiations with gendered expectations? Does she create an image of a “new woman” for readers?

Suzanne Collins’s Hunger Games explores the role of the individual in a dystopian world. Explore how Collins presents issues of culture and cultural conflict in this novel, particularly society’s pressure on the individual to conform. How, for example, is gender depicted here, and how does Katniss Everdeen reflect conflicts/negotiations with gendered expectations? Does she create an image of a “new woman” for readers?

Come up with a thesis (a specific argument) and to decide which questions best suit an exploration of that argument. Be sure that your thesis is clearly and closely defined, so that it can be fully developed in an essay of 6 typed pages Throughout your paper, be sure to support your ideas with specific references to the text (including page references noted in parentheses).