How does Kant go about salvaging philosophy and science? Be sure to explain in some detail how and why Hume ended up where he did, Kant’s philosophical project, and how Kant deals with Hume’s critiques.

David Hume’s empiricism seems to leave philosophy’s claims to truth in shambles–according to his relentless application of Occam’s Razor, there are supposedly no “substances,” no “selves” and no “causes” to be described. This also leaves modern science on very insecure footing if we can’t rationally describe the way entities (substances) interact with and “cause” other things to happen. Kant takes up the project and attempts to fix the wreckage left in the wake of Hume’s wrecking ball. How does Kant go about salvaging philosophy and science? Be sure to explain in some detail how and why Hume ended up where he did, Kant’s philosophical project, and how Kant deals with Hume’s critiques.
Grading Rubric Criteria Phil. paper .pdf