Identify 2 two recent Corporate Social Responsibility reports of two UK companies. Compare and discuss (up to 1000 words) how environmental and social issues form the Corporate Social Responsibility strategy of the organisations. Particular emphasis should be placed on the reporting of Health and Safety issues within the CSR reports.


Part A

Provide an overview of the concepts of corporate social responsibility and sustainability reporting. Sustainability reporting is a voluntary instrument at present. Assess the costs and benefits of making it compulsory. Integrate into your discussion at least 3 refereed journal articles1. (Indicated word limit 1000 words)

Part B

Identify 2 two recent Corporate Social Responsibility reports of two UK companies. Compare and discuss (up to 1000 words) how environmental and social issues form the Corporate Social Responsibility strategy of the organisations. Particular emphasis should be placed on the reporting of Health and Safety issues within the CSR reports.

General Instruction:

The work is to be word-processed, double or 1.5-line spacing Arial or Calibri, 12 Font, aligned to the left hand of the page and appropriately referenced using the Harvard system of referencing. The length must not exceed 2000 words, excluding appendices, bibliography, etc

Note: Kindly, use the attached guide to Harvard Referencing System as this differs from one university to another.

Note2: Please write the paper in Britsh English