Provide a thought-provoking fact that you came across researching the topic that will pique your reader’s interest. 

Introduction (2-3 sentences)
Provide a thought-provoking fact that you came across researching the topic that will pique your reader’s interest. NOTE: Introductions and conclusions may be written after the body of the paper is completed.
Research in Constraints
Research Instructions: In the Trident Online Library use the term: constraint theory. Refine your Search and select:
Scholarly & Peer-Review
Journal Article
Last 5 years
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You must use at least one article from the Trident Online Library databases for this section of the case.
Instructions: use the article attached as a file for this section for the page and a half below:
Provide a general overview of Constraint Theory (1/2 page) research required
Present a well-balanced academic discussion on the importance of constraint theory. It may be a general in nature or focused on a specific industry that complements your career goals or experience. (1 page).

Industry Pros: Constraints
Instructions: Conduct research and use 3 professional companies such as Walmart, Google, etc. and discuss their best practices, trends, and tools they use with Constraint Theory.
Using blogs, articles or information written by at least three experts from different companies, discuss Constraint theory: best practices, trends and tools. (1½ pages)
Conclusion (2-3 sentences)
Wrap up the discussion with an overview of future research needed or trends in the area.