Review your initial strategy and the decisions you took to implement it. What performance criteria informed you of thesuccess of your strategy and how successful were you.

•Review your initial strategy and the decisions you took to implement it. What performance criteria informed you of the success of your strategy and how successful were you. Consider proposals as to how the strategy might have beenstronger in light of the retrospective analysis. Also consider the theory on change management and its relevance to thesimulated experience. •Demonstrate your knowledge of reflective learning theory and demonstrate its application by assessing and justifying your own contribution to the success or not of the team taking account of your behaviour and activity and justify your insights from the evidence. Draw conclusions about your future behaviour and practice. This should draw from yourreflective learning log.

•Relate your experience to existing theory and explain how theoretical models and strategic tools could have helpedyour “company” do better. Then review and evaluate what you learnt from the simulated experience and how thetheory has informed your practice.