What is social construction? Which example from the resources provided did you find most compelling in building your knowledge of social construction? Describe it and explain why you found it most useful.

Week 2 Disscussion 2
(Paper 2 )This is a one page discussion that is seperate from the assignment ..

Deviant Behavior
For this discussion, you must read Chapter 6 of the text, Introduction to Sociology: 06 Socialization (Links to an external site.), the article, The Anomie Tradition: Explaining Rates of Deviant Behavior, Durkheim’s classic contribution (Links to an external site.), and the Anomie theory reading from Key Perspectives in Criminology, found in the ebrary database. After reading the required resources, explain why Emile Durkheim alleges that if we did not have deviants, we would create them. In other words, Durkheim is making an argument that having a group of people society considers deviant serves broader functions for society. What are these functions? Support your answer with detailed examples.

Discussion 1 week 3

For this discussion, you must read Chapter 7 of the text, Sociology: Beyond Common Sense, and watch the two videos, Social Class in America 1957 McGraw-Hill text-films (Links to an external site.) [TranscriptPreview the document] (an old video but great example) and How Class Works – Richard Wolff Examines Class (Links to an external site.). Then, review the document, Knowledge of Hidden Rules of Social Class.Preview the document Read through the descriptions of daily activities and commonplace knowledge for lower, middle, and upper class people. Print it out and place an ‘X’ next to the things you know how to do [you can also just note your ‘X’ marks], and look to see how many ‘X’ marks you have in each category [If you don’t have children, use yourself and your siblings as a reference group.]. This will help you gain insight into the taken for granted or hidden knowledge you need to survive in various social classes. After completing these tasks, consider the following questions:

Social Class in the US
How would you categorize the types of knowledge? How and where would someone acquire and learn this knowledge? How do you gain access to the people and places this can be learned? Is this access generally equal in the US?
You as a Social Being
On which questionnaires did you have the most and least marks? Were you surprised by the outcome? Do you have equal access to the people and places required to acquire knowledge you currently do not have?
What conclusions can you make about the nature of the hidden knowledge necessary to be successful in each social class?

Week3 discussion2

For this discussion, you must read Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 of the text, Sociology: Beyond Common Sense, the article The ‘Pink vs Blue’ Gender Myth (Links to an external site.), and watch the three videos, Social Construction (Links to an external site.),[TranscriptPreview the document] RACE: Are We So Different? (Links to an external site.), and A Girl Like Me (Links to an external site.) [TranscriptPreview the document]. [Note that A Girl Like Me uses words or language that are considered profane, vulgar or offensive by some viewers. Ashford University does not condone such content that may be objectionable; however, the video is being used due to its impact and education value in understanding social construction.] After reviewing these resources on varied perspectives of social construction, consider the following questions:

What is social construction?
Which example from the resources provided did you find most compelling in building your knowledge of social construction? Describe it and explain why you found it most useful.