Discuss The Metamorphosis and The House of Mirth (options: asexuality/rejection of sexual norms, self-imposed isolationism, alienation, or another topic with approval).

“The Yellow Wallpaper” and The House of Mirth (options: gender politics, misogyny, historical/cultural analysis in relation to the literature, or another topic with approval).

Master and Man and Call of the Wild (options: Nature vs. nurture, human foibles, the humbling power of the natural world, or another topic with approval).

The House of Mirth and Invisible Man (options: social “invisibility,” differences in the sexes’/genders’ perceptions of events, or another topic with approval).

The Metamorphosis and The House of Mirth (options: asexuality/rejection of sexual norms, self-imposed isolationism, alienation, or another topic with approval).

Requirements: Write a minimum 5-page (FULL PAGES), double-spaced, researched essay on one of the topics above. Conduct research of secondary sources (see the annotated bibliography assignment for guidelines on the sources) to help you develop a stronger understanding of your chosen topic. In addition, make sure to include at least five (one from each secondary source) quoted passages with signal phrases that effectively synthesize the other authors’ “voices” into the essay. Most importantly, develop a judgment (with supporting evidence) that expresses your specific reaction to how your chosen thematic concern plays out in the piece of literature; this will serve as your thesis statement.