Have you ever experienced any sort of “dismissals” while terminating your employment relationships? If yes: Why did that happened and how did that affect you? If no: Do you have a clear termination process written down in the contract for your employees? Were these rules ever violated?

Q1: Can you tell me about your work history?
Q2: How did you find that job / jobs?
Q3: Why do you believe you were qualified for this position / positions?
Q4: How were the work relationships established? Is it possible to explain how did this process go?
Q5: Can you tell me about the employment contract itself? What contractual obligations were there?
Q6: How was your job regulated and why? (wages, sick leaves, holidays)
Q7: How did you feel about working there?
Q8: Did the company had any specific policies / accommodations regarding the workplace or its employees? If “yes”, what was it about and how did you feel about it?
Q9: Did you ever face any sort of discrimination in the workplace? Discrimination in relation to hiring, wages, overall treatment ant etc.
Q10: How were issues of health and safety regulated at your workplace? (if there were any)
Q11: When your employment relationships came to an end, how did the termination process go through?
Q12: Why did the process of termination have started? Was it because you could not match the contract requirements, there was some misunderstanding of what your responsibilities are or you just found another job, that suites you better?
Q13: Have you ever experienced any sort of “dismissals” while terminating your employment relationships? If yes: Why did that happened and how did that affect you? If no: Do you have a clear termination process written down in the contract for your employees? Were these rules ever violated?
Q14: How many times did you face challenges regarding enforcement of employment-related rights? How were these challenges solved or not solved? If not solved, why?