Identify one portfolio review you would like to attend from the list below. Explain why this review appeals to you.

1. Imagine yourself to be a budding photographer. Identify one portfolio review you would like to attend from the list below. Explain why this review appeals to you. Don’t base your decision on location.Look at the list of reviewers for this particular portfolio review. Identify one reviewer you would be especially interested in meeting, and explain how meeting them would be important to your career.Note that many of the big portfolio reviews are biennial. If your targeted event has already happened, look at the previous event and base your answers on that. (500 words)

• Review Santa Fe and Review LA: Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Los Angeles, California (juried)
• FotoFest: Houston, Texas. Founded in 1983, this is the oldest photo festival in the United States and it occurs every two years. The review part of the festival lasts for 12 days and attracts photographers from around the planet.
• Photolucida: Portland, Oregon
• PhotoNOLA: New Orleans, Louisiana
• Atlanta Celebrates Photography: Atlanta, Georgia
• FotoWeek DC: Washington, D.C.
• Palm Springs Photo Festival: Palm Springs, California, and New York

2. Pretend that you haven’t shown your work professionally, what concerns or questions would you have? (500 words)