What is happening in this section? Why is it interesting/noteworthy/important to you? How does this information influence your view of similarly related issues in U.S. History?Explain

What is the document about?
To whom is it directed?
For what purpose?
Why is the document interesting/noteworthy/important to you? Explain why.
Note: There is a 200 words maximum for each summary.

Part Two (50 points):

Instructions: There is a 200 words maximum for each. Chose any 2 topics presented in the course textbook from weeks 9 through 14 and, for each, answer the following prompt:

What is happening in this section?
Why is it interesting/noteworthy/important to you?
How does this information influence your view of similarly related issues in U.S. History?
Note: There is a 200 words maximum for each description.