Evaluate ethical arguments concerning abortion by raising and answering two substantive questions of validity.

Write a 1–2 page paper evaluating ethical arguments concerning abortion by raising and answering two substantive questions of validity.

For this assessment, you will continue your survey of ethical principles in health care by exploring issues around abortion. For this assessment, you will explore ethical reasoning on both sides of the issue.

Abortion is frequently debated in various political and cultural settings. Some support the right to choose; others do not. Consider the positions by looking at one argument that women have the right to abortion and another asserting that abortion is morally wrong:

Asssessment Instructions

How valid are ethical arguments around abortion?

Write a paper that answers this question, defending your evaluation with cogent moral reasoning and supporting your view with ethical theories or moral principles you deem most relevant to the issue. You will evaluate the following:

Argument for Abortion
If women have an unlimited right to choose what to do with their own bodies, and if the practice of abortion is merely a matter of the pregnant woman’s body, a pregnant woman has the right to choose abortion.
Women have an unlimited right to choose what to do with their own bodies.
The practice of abortion is merely a matter of the pregnant woman’s body.
Therefore, women have an unlimited right to choose what to do with their own bodies and the practice of abortion is merely a matter of the pregnant woman’s body.
Therefore, a pregnant woman has the right to choose abortion.
Argument Against Abortion
If it is morally wrong to deliberately take the life of an innocent human being without that being’s consent, and if a human fetus growing in a human female is an innocent human being who does not consent, it is morally wrong to deliberately take the life of a human fetus.
It is morally wrong to deliberately take the life of an innocent human being without that being’s consent.
A human fetus growing in a human female is an innocent human being who does not consent.
Therefore, it is morally wrong to deliberately take the life of an innocent human being without that being’s consent, and a human fetus growing in a human female is an innocent human being who does not consent.
Therefore, it is morally wrong to deliberately take the life of a human fetus.
If abortion is the deliberate taking of a human fetus’s life, then abortion is morally wrong.
Abortion is by definition the deliberate taking of a human fetus’s life.
Therefore, abortion is morally wrong.
In your paper, address the following:

In one paragraph, evaluate the reasoning behind the argument for abortion by raising and answering two substantive objections to it.
In one paragraph, evaluate the reasoning behind the argument against abortion by raising and answering two substantive objections to it.
Write a one-page conclusion of the argument you think is better and explain why you think so.
Submission Requirements