Explain whether or not you think this new rapid screening test is good enough to be recommended for use in the U.S in our current Covid-19 pandemic and explain how you made that decision (i.e. why do you believe it is or is not a good enough test to use). Because up to 50% of individuals with Covid-19 infections are asymptomatic it is important to have a test that accurately identifies Covid 19 cases.

.Create a 2×2 contingency table for this diagnostic and answer questions 1 through 13.

1- How did you label Row 1?
2-How did you label Row 2?
3-How did you label Column 1?
4-How did you label Column 2?
5-What value is in your “a” cell?
6-What value is in your “ b” cell?
7-What value is in your “c” cell?
8-What value is in your “d” cell?
9- Calculate the Sensitivity ( Sen) . report answer to one decimal place (eg., to one number beyond the decimal place)
Hint: Sen is always reported as a % but you have to leave the”%” symbol off your answer bc our school page won’t accept it. EX. If your answer was 99.9% you would enter 99.9 .
10-Calculate the Specificity ( Spec). Report answer to one decimal place ( eg. To one number beyond the decimal place)
Hint: Spec is always reported as a % but you have to leave the”%” symbol off your answer bc our school page won’t accept it. EX. If your answer was 99.9% you would enter 99.9 .
11-Calculate the Positive Predictive value (PPV). Repor your answer to one decimal place (eg. To one number beyond the decimal place)
Hint: PPV is always reported as a % but you have to leave the”%” symbol off your answer bc our school page won’t accept it. EX. If your answer was 99.9% you would enter 99.9 .
12- Calculate the Negative Predictive Value (NPV). Report your answer to one decimal place ( eg. To one number beyond the decimal place)
Hint: NPV is always reported as a % but you have to leave the”%” symbol off your answer bc our school page won’t accept it. EX. If your answer was 99.9% you would enter 99.9 .

13- Based on this diagnostic accuracy study (i.e. based on your answers to questions 9 through 12) explain whether or not you think this new rapid screening test is good enough to be recommended for use in the U.S in our current Covid-19 pandemic and explain how you made that decision (i.e. why do you believe it is or is not a good enough test to use). Because up to 50% of individuals with Covid-19 infections are asymptomatic it is important to have a test that accurately identifies Covid 19 cases. ( Limit answer to no more than 20 words)


41-Based on the data, calculate the attack rate for grocery store workers who were exposed to Kale.
A)83.3% B)44.6% C)44.1% D)19.8% E)80.6%

42-Use the data from picture to calculate the risk ratio (relative risk) to measure the association between Kale exposure and rash illness.
A)10.5 B)0.1 C)2.6 D)4.1 E)6.3

43-The risk ratio for potato exposure is 2.7, you can conclude from your answer to question 42 that:

A)Kale exposure is more likely than potato exposure to have caused the skin rash outbreak among the grocery store workers
B)Exposure to kale and potatoes are equally likely to have caused the skin rash outbreak among the grocery store exposure
C)Neither kale nor potato exposure is likely to have caused the skin rash outbreak among the grocery store workers
D)Kale exposure is less likely than potato exposure to have caused the skin rash outbreak among the grocery store workers.
Set of questions:

-Which of the following statistics best measures the number of adults aged 65 and older who died from Alzheimer’s disease in the U.S in 2018?

A)Point Prevalence B)Cause specific mortality rate C)Period Prevalence
D)Case fatality Rate E) Count

-Which of the following may lead to unnecessary follow up testing among patients who undergo a screening test?
A)Negative Predictive Value
C)False Negative
D)False Positive
E)Positive Predictive Value

-Researchers randomly assign obese volunteers to receive either traditional gastric banding that limits the amount of food the volunteer can consume (the control) or an implanted electrical device that interrupts nerve signals to the brain that are linked to hunger (the intervention). The outcome of the study is weight loss after one year. If the randomization was successful, then:
A) Age could not be associated with the outcome
B)Age could confound the association between the exposure and outcome
C)Age could not confound the association between the exposure and outcome
D)Age could be associated with the exposure

-Researchers collect a random sample of obese children of various ages from 5 yrs to 18 yrs old, and examine whether children who play soccer every day are more likely to lose weight after one year than children who play soccer less than two times per week. If the sample was truly random, then:

A) Age could be associated with the exposure and age could confound the association between the exposure and the outcome.
B)Age could be associated with the exposure.
C)Age could not be associated with the outcome.
D)Age could not confound the association between the exposure and the outcome

-Which of the following is an example of how you might contract a disease that spreads through fomite transmission?
A)Being bitten by a tick carrying the microorganism that cause Lyme disease
B)Eating a meal prepared by a food handler with diarrhea who did not wash his hands
C)Sitting on an airplane right in front of another passenger who cough repeatedly
D)Drinking water that has been contaminated with sewage

-During an outbreak investigation an EIS officer sends the following working case definition to her supervisor: Children under 6 years of age who attended one Day Care Center in Houston and had a fever, vomited and had two watery stools. What is missing from this working case definition:
A)Nothing is missing this is a good working case definition
C)Clinical Information
D)Person characteristics

-Dr.Fields conducted a survey to determine the value of a University of Texas degree for first generation students who graduated 5 years ago. Her survey captured several items that might influence the students’ work experiences including age, gender, race, and how much they currently owe for their student loans. Her survey also captured several measures of the value of the earned degree including whether they are working in their desired career field, their current salary, and their satisfaction with their job. Dr. Fields conducted what type of study design?
A)Retrospective cohort study
C)Case control study
D)Ecological study

E)Prospective cohort study
F)Cross sectional study

-As part of a team conducting an outbreak investigation you are tasked with gathering all the data and creating a line listing. Which of the following elements should be included?
A)Initials of each person or some other way to identify them.
B)Age and gender
C)Laboratory test results/physician diagnosis
D)Laboratory test results/physician diagnosis and symptoms checklist and age and gender and initials of each person or some other way to identify them.
E)Symptoms checklist

-This study design is typically suitable for examining whether an exposure of interest occurs before an outcome of interest.

A)Case control study B)Cross sectional study C)Both RCT and Prospective cohort study D)Prospective cohort study E)RCT F)Both case control studies and cross sectional studies