Compose a final report and provide a formal presentation that is an overview and summary of the Social Impact Project.

Final Project Written Report: (1500-2000 words written collaboratively by the team) At the end of the course each team will compose a final report and provide a formal presentation that is an overview and summary of the Social Impact Project. The formal, detailed written report is due prior to the presentation. The source list from the mid-project report should be updated as appropriate and the sources used to support the project analysis. At a minimum, a working bibliography of at least 15 sources should be attached. At least 5 to be peer-reviewed scholarship. Sources also should include some that are specific to the local, national, or global community relevant for the project.

Assignment Requirement

1. A specific connection between your project and the Lynn social impact pillar and SDGs it seeks to further

2. A well-developed evaluation of why the project outcome occurred – an analysis of the successes, challenges, failures, and surprises

I’m going to include past papers on this topic so you can take information in there and rephrase it. And keep up on what to do

An please no more than 3 hours