You will meet the CEO (your trainer/assessor). Present information about financial issues and requirements to a range of audiences using structure and language to suit the audience. Use active listening and questioning to clarify information and to confirm understanding. The role-play and presentation should take approximately 10 – 15 minutes
Prior to the presentation, you must make notes of your presentation and present your draft presentation to your assessor for approval. This is to ensure that your presentation is authentic and your own. Your assessor will allocate a date and time for you to present your presentation to the rest of the group.
During the presentation and role play, you must ensure you:
Clarify budget/financial plans with relevant personnel (trainer/assessor as the CEO) within the organisation to ensure that documented outcomes are achievable, accurate and comprehensible
Negotiate any changes required to be made to budget/financial plans with relevant personnel (trainer/assessor as the CEO) within the organisation
Disseminate relevant details of the agreed budget/financial plans to team members
Provide support to ensure that team members can competently perform required roles associated with the management of finances
Determine and access resources and systems to manage financial management processes within the work team