
Students to produce an individual business plan application to apply for seed capital of up to £40,000. The business plan will form part of the application to take over the management and lease of a local authority residential care home. You will be required to set out the business plan and financials for the running of the going concern. Thewinners of the tender will be required tomaintain the property on a fully insuring and repairing25-year lease of the buildingand contents. Consider the proposal of taking over a government-owned 50 bed residential nursing home that is currently just coming out of special measures. The nursing home currently has 21residents after a COVID-19 outbreak in the home.The facility service usershave various care needs. 60% of the staff are new and all staff will be subject to new contracts after the takeover. The property and all equipment arein a good state of repair and all the rooms have been refitted and decorated in the last 6 months. It is assumed that the business will be granted a rate free period of 6 months and 4monthsrent free for the winners of the tender. The terms of the lease are 25years on a full insuring and repairing basis.The local authority will be the landlord but will have no other responsibilities. The above details should be reflected in your business plan report.Consider the price to build or buy such a property to give you some idea of the rental valuein your chosen area.Things you may wish toconsider. How many serviceusers do you need to break even, thestaffing levels are set for 21 service users?Howwillyoubuild confidence and trust in the facility, whatare yourplans for a resurgence of COVID-19?B)Students to produce an individual business plan forindependentbusinessstart-up idea to obtain a government loan of up to £40,000 where they will be required to outline their business plan.Consider a realistic business start-up idea and outline your idea in the business plan in order that you can obtain a government loan. Your research
and financials are a key part of the business plan. Your transferrable skills and where you obtained them are vital to your start-up idea and identify the relevant skills your business may need. You need to consider any skill gapsyou and your group have and how you propose to solve those skill gaps? (Employ, partnership/directors, mentors, training etc.) Things you may wish to consider: COVID-19 impact on business and the supply chain. Is there a market for your goods and services now? Will this market grow or recede? Critically consider the market and your target market.

C)Students are to produce an individual business plan for a loan of up to £40,000 to start a not for profit start-upbusiness. Factor in the company’s incorporation process and legal status as a not for profitorganisation,youshould also consider how you will utilise excessive profitto grow/ develop the business. The business plan will also serve as an important part of the organisation’s bid to take over a local authority community service contract worth £400,000 for a two-year contract.(please choose one London borough with which you may befamiliar)This cannot be all of London. Remember you’re a start-up. It is important that you state how many clients you intend to support annually and that your plan providesvalue for money, whichis a strong consideration in local authority procurement. A key cost will be the staffing and premises so be realistic about the staff to client ratios and likely building overheads.1)Bid 1:To provide a borough wide support service to victims of domestic violence (DV) these include and are not limited to counselling services, provide a telephone support phone line and liaising with other charities, groups and DV refuges in the region.2) Bid 2: To provide youth services in borough crime hotspots where gangs and drug dealing is prevalent.The youth services will provide diversionary services for 11 to 19-year old’s, offeringlearning support mentoring and youth club facilities.You will liaise with other organisations include the police, youth offending services and pupil referral units etc. The local authority will make suitable premises available rent free,however you must account for building maintenance and running costs.3) Bid 3: To provide support to vulnerable homeless people sleeping rough in the borough. You may consider supplying but not limited to advice, counselling, clothing, emergency supplies, support on how to claim benefits etc, liaison with other local authority departments such as adult social services, housing and anti-social behaviour teams. You should also consider partnerships with drugs, alcohol and mental health services in your chosen borough.Things you may wish to consider. Howwill your organisation raise additional funding? Do you have the skills to provide the above services? If not,what are the skill gaps?How will you fill these skillgaps?Consider the impact of COVID-19 onall the groupsserviceusers, and your staff, supply chainand stakeholders.