Discuss the major issues and decisions involved in the process of designing quantitative research

Purpose of the Honors Project

This project is designed to acquaint you with the major concepts, issues, and procedures involved in designing

and implementing quantitative research. This project also provides you the opportunity to conduct original

research in order to gain knowledge and experience in quantitative methods.

Project Objectives

Upon completion of this project, you will be able to:

• design, implement, and write-up a quantitative research study of potentially publishable quality

• critically evaluate published research

• provide constructive feedback on peer research

• discuss the major issues and decisions involved in the process of designing quantitative research

• demonstrate familiarity with APA (American Psychological Association) style in writing research


Honors Project Topics

The Honors study topic for this course is the following:

To the Seventh Generation: Inheritance and Legacy

• Theme 1: The Heirs of our Ways

• Theme 2: Natural and Constructed Environments

• Theme 3: Trade, Craftsmanship, and Industry

• Theme 4: Expressions of Truth

• Theme 5: Resistance—Reform, Rebellion, and Revolution

• Theme 6: Perceptions of Progress

• Theme 7: Life and Death