Discuss whether you believe it is possible for a company to cater to both its best interest and that of the consumer simultaneously or if one always has to prevail. Justify your response.


Choose one of the following industries to frame your paper:

The oil industry (for example Exxon).

The candy industry.

The mining industry.

Write a paper in which you:

Become an advocate for either the consumer or the industry.

Prepare an argument explaining the major reasons why you support either the consumer or the industry.

Discuss whether you believe it is possible for a company to cater to both its best interest and that of the consumer simultaneously or if one always has to prevail. Justify your response.

Use at least two quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

You can use this template as a guide but DO NOT submit the template.


You will graded according to the following criteria: