What should be the consequences of Rachels’ discussion for the medical profession?Discuss

Step 1: Download Google Doc into a Word .doc or docx. Rename assignment as “(last name_first name) Ethics 103 Lesson Packet 7”
For example, my assignment would be: Kirkham_Jill Ethics 103 Lesson Packet 7

Section 2: Assisted Death

Step 01: Watch Assisted Death & the Value of Life: Crash Course Philosophy #45

Section 3: Rachels

Step 01: Read pages 371-378.

Step 02: Answer the following questions. Make sure to be specific in your answer and use evidence from the reading to support your claims.

1. Why does Rachels regaurd active euthanasia as sometimes more humane than passive euthanasia in the same circumstances?

2. Does Rachels show that there is no important moral distinction between killing and letting die?

3. What should be the consequences of Rachels’ discussion for the medical profession?

Section 4: Medical Intervention

Step 01: If you were taken to a hospital for something serious, what treatment would you want given in a scenario where you have irreversible brain injury without terminal illness? On the following chart, indicate by writing the appropriate number for your response.
1. Yes, I would want
2. Trial, but stop if no improvement
3. No, I would not want
4. Undecided

Rating Intervention
Feeding Tube
IV Hydration
Pain Medication
Invasive Testing

Step 02: Listen to the following podcast:

Step 03: Answer the following questions. Make sure your answers are well articulated. Use examples to justify answers.

1. Did this podcast change how you think about medical intervention?

2. How does this relate to Rachels arguments?

Section 5: Living Wills

Step 01: Listen to the following podcast:

Step 02: Answer the following questions.
1. Do you think you will have a living will?

2. Why is La Crosse, Wisconsin, obsessed with death?

3. Do you think that other cities in America should adopt similar policies?

4. Why does our society shy away from talking about death?

Section 6: Foot

Step 01: Read pages 379-388.

Step 02: Answer the following questions. Make sure to be specific in your answer and use evidence from the reading to support your claims.

1. When, in Foot’s view, is non voluntary euthanasia permitted?

2. How does she argue that the legalized practice of voluntary euthanasia could be liable to abuse?

3. Which author (Rachels or Foot) do you find compelling? Why?