Identify an organization you are familiar with to be the focus of the paper.Develop a full Problem Statement to include at the end of the Introduction.

Identify an organization you are familiar with to be the focus of the paper.
Develop an “initiating problem” that outlines the general topic(s) from the course and how it/they relate #1 and #2
Post your thoughts and developing RQ on the Discussion Board for feedback.
Review the readings related to the topic(s).
Identify additional literature that speaks to your particular interests (e.g. related to context).
Begin with an introduction that introduces the organization you will focus on
Funnel analogy that moves from broad to narrow, ending with your RQ
Develop a full Problem Statement to include at the end of the Introduction.
Develop a Research Question (problem formulation).
Outline your Literature Review, making sure you create a logical flow.
Analyze how the literature presented in the LR applies to the case to be able to explain how the literature fits (or doesn’t) with the information you have provided about the organization in the Introduction/Problem Statement.
Discuss what this all means for your organization, or for specific types of organizations or situations. You may need to add additional literature to explain the “why”
Conclude briefly with what you set out to do and what you did