Research and discuss how a diversity of views have transformed American society using any literature from the Puritanism to Enlightenment time period.

Research and discuss how a diversity of views have transformed American society using any literature from the Puritanism to Enlightenment time period.
Research and discuss the role of women in Victorian England and how/why women’s status seemed to decline despite the earlier feminist writings of Mary Wollstonecraft from the Enlightenment. For this research question, you will use literature from the Enlightenment and/or Victorian time period.
How have the literary movements of the last two centuries affected us? This question will focus on any literature from the Romantic, Victorian, and Modern/Postmodern literary time periods. Feel free to address modern ideas such as politics and social issues and how you literature has shaped our current culture.
Each essay should be well developed with a clear intro with thesis, body paragraphs that support, and a conclusion. Your essay should be a minimum of 500 words and have a corresponding works cited page of all sources used. Sources should be SCHOLARLY sources. Click here for info on scholarly sources. This is a major assignment designed to assess your readiness for college-level writing and research.