What organizational form (e.g. non-profit, foundation, government, NGO, for-profit, partnership organization, hybrid, etc.) is the best for your organization and why?Explain

1. What is the problem that your organization will address? Describe the context of the problem.

2. How will your organization address, manage, or solve the problem

3. How is your solution different from what’s already out there? You need to compare it to at least four (4) alternative organizations also trying to address the problem.

4. What organizational form (e.g. non-profit, foundation, government, NGO, for-profit, partnership organization, hybrid, etc.) is the best for your organization and why?

5. Who will benefit from your organization? Include not only people directly affected by the service or product, but also how it will affect the wider society as well. An example is that a better education not only helps a student in the short term, but it affects an individual’s work life and potential, earning potential, family and standard of living, as well as the community by deepening the pool of talent.

6. What kinds of things might threaten your organization? For example, if your organization is dependent on government funding, a potential threat would be budget cuts; if your organization needs certain political or social connections, then there could be threats related to that.

7. What ways could you fund your organization?

8. What are the potential unintended consequences you could cause?

9. How are you going to mitigate the risks posed by direct competitors, funding, threats, and unintended consequences?