Describe how the different business divisions of Deutsche Bank are interconnected.


You have been engaged as a MIS consultant for the following organisation.

Deutsche Bank was established in 1870 and it is considered as one of the leading global

banking and financial services company around the world. With assets amounting to

approximately 1.3 trillion U.S. dollars and almost 2000 branches around the world it is

currently included in the top 10 largest investment banks globally (Global network –

Deutsche Bank, 2020).

For the specified focal organisation (Deutsche Bank), you should contact your

own research in order to provide a report to the board of directors, which will

answer the following:

Question 1

Describe how the different business divisions of Deutsche Bank are interconnected. In

your analysis, you should provide an organisation chart and data flow diagrams to

represent the dependence of each of the business units to each other and the direction

of data flows within the organisation and provide the reasons behind this structure.

Question 2

Describe the different forms of data and the role of data warehousing in Deutsche Bank.

In your analysis, you should evaluate the current Information Systems and provide

recommendations to the board of directors about big data solutions. In order to fully

answer the question, a detailed description of the proposed solution is needed providing

the advantages and disadvantages of the system.

Question 3

By taking into account information from the latest report of Deutsche Bank (Code of

Conduct) and the new GDPR data protection legislation, provide a summary of your key

concerns about ethical, legal and professional implications associated with information

handling and security.

. 2020. Global Network – Deutsche Bank. [online] Available at:

You MUST underpin your analysis and evaluation of the key issues with appropriate

and wide ranging academic research and ensure this is referenced using the AU

Harvard system.

You must use the AU Harvard Referencing method in your assignment.