Identify three bases of power exhibited by Chris Starr during her shift, providing at least one specific example of each from the scenario above.

For each source of power, provide a brief definition and an example based on your own professional experience in the table below.

Expert power

Position power

Information power

Connection power

Referent power

Coercive power

Reward power

Clinical Case Study
Chris Starr (RN, BSN, CEN), the charge nurse in a very busy Emergency Department, was exhausted at the end of a 12-hour shift. Sixty-six patients had been triaged, assessed, cared for, counseled, educated, admitted, transferred, and/or discharged. One patient died. Some of the nursing responsibilities/ behaviors carried out by Chris on this shift included the following:
Took/gave shift report every 4 hours.
Assigned staff to patient care responsibilities.
Assigned staff to non-nursing responsibilities such as ordering supplies, room checks, and testing emergency equipment.
Oriented two new medical students to department protocols and expectations.
Requested assistance from the shift supervisor to obtain ICU beds for two critical patients.
Called the children’s protective agency to request emergency placement for three abandoned children brought in by the police.
Yelled over the phone at a newspaper reporter who insisted on obtaining details of a recent accident.
Assisted a staff nurse to support very distressed family members whose older adult parent had just died.
Talked to the coroner for 10 minutes by phone.
Cared for four patients whose nurse left for a dinner break.
Assisted three staff members who were restraining an out-of-control, intoxicated patient.
Intervened between a staff nurse and a physician who disagreed about a patient care issue.
Promised to talk privately to an angry unit secretary later in the shift if time allows.
Gathered all staff together at 11 PM to thank them for their hard work and good care.

Question 2:
Identify three bases of power exhibited by Chris Starr during her shift, providing at least one specific example of each from the scenario above.

Base of Power Example

Question 3:
Empowerment as defined in Chapter 9 is the process by which we facilitate the participation of others in decision making and taking action in an environment that has an equitable distribution of power. Empowerment is power sharing and a form of feminine leadership. All of the following can be powerful attributes of a professional nurse. Put an ‘x’ next to each attribute you feel was exhibited by Chris Starr in the scenario above.
______ Professional knowledge, specialized knowledge
______ Technologic competence
______ Professional experience
______ Problem-solving skills
______ Comfort with conflict resolution
______ Ability to communicate clearly with colleagues
______ Commitment to organizational philosophy and mission
______ Above-average financial compensation
______ Sense of humor
______ Positive feelings of work satisfaction